The SSMI® Lean Six Sigma GreenBelt - Industrial/Manufacturing Certification program is the purest form of Green Belt training available in the world designed and delivered by the Co-creator of Six Sigma and National Best Selling Author Dr.Mikel J Harry (www.mikeljharry.com) to suit the Manufacturing / Industrial sector with decades of successful application of Lean Six Sigma for World's Top Corporates.
The Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing / Industrial Green Belt Program-of Study is intended to develop technical leaders that are capable of propelling their respective organizations toward best-in-class status by reducing costs, improving cycle times, eliminating defects, eliminating variation and significantly increasing customer satisfaction. Industrial Green Belts are highly trained practitioners who possess the technical knowledge and skills that are necessary to facilitate breakthrough improvements in key processes that support the overall business aims and operational goals of an enterprise.
The program is developed with years of research and contains over 800+ videos and hundreds of resources for participants to obtain mastery on Lean Six Sigma. SSMI Lean Six Sigma program is offered on both fully Online using MindPro® training system and blended delivery methods.
All participants upon completion of the program can obtain their Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification directly from SSMI, USA
Most of today's Lean Six Sigma programs are delivered by the 6th or 7th generation of practitioners, which has lead to inconsistency in program delivery and misinterpretation. In contrast, SSMI Lean Six Sigma program provides participants the correct understanding of the foundations and underlyining principals governing the subject.

Dr. Mikel J Harry, Principal Architect of Six Sigma
To obtain your Lean Six Sigma Manufacturing / Industrial Green Belt (CLSSGB) credential, you are required to complete the following two requirements.
Completion of online knowledge assessments at the end of each module
The Green Belt - Industrial/ Manufacturing Program is structured with 17 comprehensive modules for participants to complete.
Each module comprises of an Open book Knowledge assessment that needs be completed at the end of each module.
Each module assessment comprise of 3 to 84 questions which participants need to score more than 70%
Participants are provided 3 free attempts to complete each knowledge assessment and there's no time limit or an order to complete each assessment.
You can take your exam anytime of the day or year based on your convinience from anywhere in the world.
All knowledge assessments are conducted using a dedicated SSMI® testing website www.mindprotesting.com
Completion of Digital Training Project Assessment
Participants have to execute a digital training project contained within MindPro®. post formal training.
The simulated project provides each candidate with the opportunity to exercise all the key tools and methods, yet done so in the context of a life-like DMAIC project. In this way, candidates are able to practice their new skills in a controlled environment and then be evaluated on their efforts prior to being made responsible for the execution of a live on-the-job value-centric project.
The Digital training project assessment comprises of 151 questions and the pass mark is 70%
Participants are provided 3 free attempts to complete the Project assessment and there's no time limit for the assessment.
You can take your exam anytime of the day or year based on your convinience from anywhere in the world
Digital project assessment is conducted using a dedicated SSMI® testing webstie www.mindprotesting.com
Basic arithmetic skills are essential (i.e., be able to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and work with fractions and decimals). Basic computer skills are also essential. In this context, a rudimentary understanding of Excel is highly recommended, but not essential. Furthermore, a most rudimentary understanding of algebra is a plus, but not required.
Previous knowledge and understanding on Lean Six Sigma application can be helpful.
We strongly recommend our program to already certified Green Belts to undertake our program to calibrate themselves against the original Green Belt program content that was used to generate individuals in top corporates making billions of dollar savings.
You may try taking up our Free readiness asssement available at www.mindprotesting.com if you feel necessary (this is not mandatory)
The SSMI® Lean Six Sigma Green Belt - Manufacturing/ Industrial program of study consists of approximately 80+ hours of training videos and content that can be completed within two to three months of online or blended study. However, particiapants can take up to 06 months to complete their program.

The body of knowledge associated with this program-of-study is organized into three primary segments; namely, Global Concepts, General Practices and Technical Practices. In terms of structure, each program segment is comprised of core topics. In turn, the topics are defined by competency-based training modules, where each module is comprised of instructional steps. Segment and topic titles are as follows:
Global Concepts
Training Orientation
Breakthrough Vision
Business Principles
Process Management
Installation Guidelines
Application Projects
General Practices
Value Focus
Lean Practices
Quality Tools
Basic Statistics
Continuous Capability
Discrete Capability
Technical Practices
Hypothesis Testing
Confidence Intervals
Control Methods
Parametric Methods
Survey Methods
Measurement Analysis
Digital Training Project

SSMI® BoK is available fully Online using MindPro® Learning management system platform to be accessed from anywhere 24 X 7
Access to Dr Mikel J Harry SSMI® Green Belt Body of Knowledge for period of six months consisiting of 800+ videos designed and delivered by Dr.Mikel J Harry
Additional training on Minitab, JMP and Excel statistical software
Downloadable Training Slides
Forty plus method documents
Excel Simulators
Tool documents
Concept documents
Ability to purchase SigmaXL and Minitab at discounted rate
Free Minitab 17 Trial for 30 days
Access to 'Ask Dr Harry' portal
Project mentoring sessions (on request)
Access to Free Webinars conducted by SSMI
Upon completion of the training Participant shall receive:
Program Qualification Letter from SSMI, USA (delivered electronically upon completion of all module exams)
Program Proficiency Letter and Green Belt Program Completion Certificate from SSMI, USA (delivered electronically upon completion of Digital training project)

The program is offered at pricing suitable for each geographical region in the world taking in to consideration its Consumer Price Index and we have appointed regional representatives to assist you with the registration process.
We also offer discounted corporate pricing for organisations ,universities, consultancy firms enroling 10 or more candidates
SSMI® Lean Six Sigma BoK is designed and delivered by the world's leading authority and Co-founder of Six Sigma who is also the founder of the original Black Belt Certification system and DMAIC methodology. Hence we strongly believe, there is no accrediation body that is qualified to validate our content or the certification process on Six Sigma. We would like to also reiterate, Dr Mikel J Harry has not endorsed or liaised with any of the orgnisations offering Six Sigma program accreditation as a product or a service and was not involved or have endorsed any of the standards published under Six Sigma or Lean.