SLAAQP Invites SSMI Asia President to Speak to Award applicants of NCQP 2018
Bannet Gamlath, President of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Quality and Productivity (SLAAQP) invited SSMI Asia President, Dumidu Ranaweera, CEMBB to deliver a Guest address to the award applications of the National Convention on Quality and Productivity 2018 (NCQP 2018) organised at the Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), Colombo, Sri Lanka on the "Use of Lean Six Sigma to drive Innovation". The event was attended by over 120+ participants representing both service and manufacturing industries in Sri Lanka.
In the picture above : Mr. Bannet Gamlath, President of SLAAQP (left) handing over a token of appreciation to Dumidu Ranaweera, President of SSMI Asia (right)